Rhinoplasty Bangkok, How much?, Prepare for upturned nose 2023
Rhinoplasty, nose reconstruction or nose job is a pretty popular cosmetic surgery with a continuously developing surgical technique, to improve face to look complete and distinct. Nose reconstruction or nose surgery to naturally high bridge, either teardrop shape or sloped shape with upturned tip.
” Rhinoplasty ” that seems easy in ones’ opinion, there are many thing to know and understand to get the satisfied beautiful nose shape, importantly safety. Today, the doctor has information and preparation before and after rhinoplasty.
For patients looking for the detail for the first nose job or already done the nose job, required fixing. The doctor gathers the suggesting information in this article.
“Open rhinoplasty adjusts structure and elongs the nose,”
- Before fixing : Short blunted nasal tip, retracted from the previous silicone implant
- After fixing : Beautiful longer upturned slender nose without tip retraction
- Before fixing : Dorsal hump with big structure and downward tip
- After fixing : Correction of dorsal hump, curved bridge and downward tip to upturned tip
Where to get the excellent nose job in Bangkok?
How to choose where to get rhinoplasty, not anywhere, we always need to look and search before any decision, not just because of cheapness and giveaway only, but select the best for ourselves and the doctor who can fix our problem, otherwise there will be a lot of pain and payment, repeatedly.
If we plan to get a nose job soon and consider where to get the operation. Factors to consider include
- Standardized and certified clinic, We clinic license number 0105561212281.
- Proficient doctor with experience of more than 7 years.
- After treatment, there are follow-up appointments and 1-year guarantee.
- Clinic with convenient transportation, close to main road, and parking lots.
- Able to make an appointment for consultation and treatment in advance. Every review from real patients. 24-hour Service Care. Where to get an excellent nose job? Popular question.
Cumulative experience will ensure that the operation will be smooth with expertise in rhinoplasty, including fixing the structure, pressing the nasal base to the beautiful slender nose, reconstructing the tip and elongating the nose. At We Clinic, we care for patients both before and after the treatment for the best outcome.
Nose surgery review
Popular shape at this moment will be sloped shape with upturned tip with nose elongation technique, resulting in an upwarded tip from structure.
And reconstruct silicone as needed, leading to the treated nose that matches the face, forehead and chin for both Korean and Westerner styles.
Any shapes you want, you can bring to the doctor, because open technique or nose reconstruction is adjustments of nasal structure to the desired one, the techniques result in the similar shape you want the most.
How many rhinoplasty techniques ?
1. Open Structural Reconstructive Rhinoplasty / Open technique
This technique is the very popular method of surgeons worldwide, especially in white people. Europeans have more sloped noses than Asians, usually found with dorsal hump, hooked nose, crooked nasal base or too sloped tip. The technique is also popular in Korea, with better structural revision than close technique, resulting in desirable beautiful nasal shape.
This nose fixing technique prefers to use open technique or open rhinoplasty, directly adjusting nasal structure. The operation will cut open both the nostrils and the center of the nostril. The wound is a little line sized about half centimeter.
In general, there is usually almost no scar left. This operation is more difficult and complex. Therefore, patients should choose the skillful doctor who has direct experience in this procedure.
And for the We clinic, open technique will use L-shaped silicone which will cover the structural base that the doctor stretches the nasal septum, already increasing strength.
”The tip of silicone is covered by another layer of one’s tissue for a soft natural look, increase of tip tissue and decrease of visible edge or suture.”
Or read additional information : Advantages of open rhinoplasty that many don’t know.
2. Augmentation Rhinoplasty / Closed technique with silicone or similar material
This technique is suitable for adding a nasal bridge/tip. It can be used if there is no problem with basic structure. It is a minor operation with a duration of 30-60 minutes. Fast beauty, minimal pain and cheapness, so it is very popular in our country (Thailand).
The doctor will use advanced closed technique, cutting open two sides, left and right of the nostril in every case to fix problems. For one without damaged original structure, close technique can be used for beautification.
But there are some limitations, such as
Unable to fix difficult problems, such as very short nose, too hooked nose or unfinished one with multiple times of surgeries.
Due to limitation of nasal slope regarding nasal tissue, the slope can not usually be as high as by open technique.
Besides, the augmentation rhinoplasty tends to use ear cartilage or fat tissue supporting nasal tip to increase thickness of nasal tissue and decrease risk of silicone implant extrusion, which can be called safe beauty.
Or read additional information : Advantages of close rhinoplasty that many don’t know !
What is rhinoplasty and pressing the nasal base? What are the advantages?
Nose repairing operation for pressing the nasal base by We clinic’s technique
Hump nose
What is a hump nose ? : Noticeable from the unsmooth bridge and cambered bone. Some have high hump noses, resulting in crooked noses, usually found with downward tips, making the faces look old or too unfriendly.
Study additional information : What is rhinoplasty and pressing the nasal base? What are the advantages?
How many grades does silicone have?
There are many grades of silicone and should not be used recklessly.
- Industrial grade : This is used in industrial works, such as car brakes and aircraft assembly, etc.
- Food grade : This material grade needs to be examined whether it is safe for food containers, such as food storage or baking molds, etc.
- Medical grade : This is the most important grade, because it must be approved by the FDA of the country producing which will have to prove the safety of biocompatibility the most.
Popular silicone for rhinoplasty
- USA : “Emphasize global safety standards.” The country of origin. One of the first companies producing medical grade silicone with a lot of experiments for safety, including both soft and hard silicone, carvable and ready-made silicone, which is also very popular in Thailand. *At the We clinic, USA silicone is predominantly used, both mainly in rhinoplasty and genioplasty.
- Korea : “Emphasize softness, popular in rhinoplasty” Silicone from the USA is developed further in Korea in its own form. The most famous is an extra-soft one for rhinoplasty for natural touch. Recently, Thai doctors import more Korean silicones for the operations. *At the We clinic, Korean silicone is used with substitute material under safety standards.
- Japan : “Emphasize practicalness and inexpensiveness” Popular more than ten years ago due to cheapness. Now less popular. Come in sheet. Need doctor’s skill in carving into required shape.
Rhinoplasty with our own cartilage
Apart from silicone implantation, now, there is an increased trend toward using cartilage from the patient him/herself in rhinoplasty, which there are 3 sites the doctor favors to use, including
- Ear cartilage Rhinoplasty with ear cartilage is the most popular operation, using cartilage at concha without change of auricular shape. Both sides can be used. The cartilage is minimally curved. Suitable for support at nasal tip to increase thickness of nasal tissue, prevent silicone directly contacting skin at nasal tip, improve safety and decrease risk of silicone implant extrusion.
- Nasal septum cartilage Has to be used in open technique, stretching nasal septum and elongating original nose. Nasal tip will look more upturned. In the operation, the doctor will use some part of the nasal septum cartilage and adjust the location to lengthen and strengthen the structure. Suitable for weak nasal structure, hooked tip, flat bridge or downward tip. An advantage is only one operation without another surgical wound. For white people, nasal septum cartilage should be used as the first standard implant in the operation for nasal structure adjustment.
- Rib cartilage Many have probably heard about rhinoplasty with rib cartilage. Below the chest, the doctor will cut open about 2-3 centimeters to bring the rib cartilage out approximately 3-5 centimeters. This technique needs to receive general anesthesia by the proficient doctor with long surgical duration.
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How to choose a nose shape that suits the face?
There are many beautiful nose shapes, such as barbie shape, mantis, Korean shape, princess, but the most popular one is “ teardrop shape ” which is elongation of the tip, similar to teardrop, suitable for one with a long nose with sufficient nasal tissue. Another equally popular shape is “ sloped shape with an upwarded tip ”. This shape will make the face sweeter and younger, very popular in Thai and Korean stars, suitable for one with a flat or disproportionate nose.
Additional reading : 7 most popular shape in ladies 2022
However, not every face will fit with the nose shape of stars-singers, that we like, because of different faces, such as little nasal tissue, wide nostril and hump nose. Some shapes are fit to someone but not the others, depending on important factors, facial contour and original nasal tissue.
Preoperative preparation
The very important thing before rhinoplasty is to inform a doctor your underlying disease, drug allergy or current medication, especially aspirin or ibuprofen, to let the surgeon know the history and plan the operation safely. Moreover, you should prepare your body, such as
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
- Avoid fermented food consumption
- Avoid seafood
- Avoid every vitamin intake before rhinoplasty
- Avoid putting on makeup and should wash the hair before surgery
- Can eat before surgery, no need of nothing by mouth
Postoperative care
Post-rhinoplasty care is important and regardless of clinic operating, should be studied to prevent the problems as much as possible.
- During the first 72 hours after surgery, cold compression is applied on the face but not on the wound to stop bleeding and reduce the swelling more rapidly. Sleep with elevated head should be performed to avoid blood clot in the nasal cavity.
- If there is bleeding within 1-2 days after operation, use a cotton swab soaked with saline wiping out gently and apply antibiotics provided by the clinic.
- After 72 hours, the wound will start closing, warm compression can be applied to reduce bruise.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for 1 month due to the effect on wound healing.
- Avoid scratching and rubbing on the nose as well as playing sports heavily because the nasal tissue is not strong enough.
The first month post operation is the most important period. At the We clinic, there are postoperative care notes, such as avoiding pressing or banging the nose.
Read additional article : How to care after a nose job for a beautiful nose and safety?
Frequently asked rhinoplasty questions
How long is the recovery time after a nose job?
A : The recovery time is approximately 5-7 days because of the short recovery time needed. After operation, antibiotics injection is mandated for 2 consecutive days. Suture removal is appointed at 7 and 14 days. The wound keeps getting better. The patient can go out as normal.
Q : Can a nose surgery be done after a nose filler?
Lump and deformity after filler injection or repeated injection, newly fixing desired with a nose job can be repaired by a rhinoplasty because after a nose filler, liquid substance attached nasal surface, the doctor always has to remove the substance first then do the reconstruction.